Medical Center to offer healthcare option

Reprinted from ABX Airwaves July 2004, Vol. 2, Issue 7

You just didn't see that nail protruding from that wooden box and cut your hand. It may need stitches, and you're sure it's time for a tetanus shot. Should you go to your family doctor without an appointment? Should you go to the emergency room or an urgent care center? In late September or early October you'll have yet another option – a new on-site medical center.

Staffed by 12 to 14 medical professionals, the medical center initially will treat only ABX Air employees. In early 2005, depending upon staffing and other requirements, it may be opened to accommodate family members.

Construction is scheduled to begin in July. The medical center, to be located in Building 2 along Old Route 73, just off Airborne Road will have 12 thousand square feet. It will have eight exam rooms, X-ray capabilities, a laboratory, trauma and treatment rooms, and physical therapy facilities.

The clinic is being designed to provide both urgent and primary care for our employees. It also will provide occupational services such as drug and alcohol testing, hearing exams, OSHA physicals, and treatment for on-the-job injuries. The facility also will have classroom space so wellness and health educational classes can be offered.

"We want to provide convenient, high-quality, and affordable medical care to our employees," said Benefits Manager Jeff Walling. "Employees still will have access to their community physicians under the United Health Program; and each time they need health care, they can choose to go where they want. The physicians at the medical center can work with your primary care physician or specialist. Or if you don't have a primary care physician, the doctors at the clinic can function as one for you. If you need a specialist, the clinic doctors can help you identify the best specialist for your condition."

The clinic will be staffed and operated by Whole Health Management, which has 42 clinics with 180,000 employees and family members under its care. Jeff and several members of the Employee Benefits Advisory Team and the Purchasing and Human Resources departments have visited several employer-sponsored clinics. "Whole Health Management is one of the leading companies nationwide that provides this service," Jeff said. "Keys to their success are quality care, convenience, and affordability for employees. They make sure the patient doesn't wait long. The times the patient arrives, goes to an exam room, and checks out will be recorded." Patient satisfaction surveys will be completed and employee health is monitored. Whole Health is very focused on improving the overall health of its patients.

Medical doctors, nurse practitioners, RNs, X-ray and medical assistants, and physical and occupational therapists will staff the clinic. Providing primary and urgent care, it will be open Monday through Friday, primarily third and first shifts. Saturdays and Sundays it will be open during the ABX hours of operation.

Whole Health Management, which is based in Cleveland, has been in business 23 years and has more than 10 years experience in the aviation and transportation industry. "They are very familiar with our specific industry," said Jeff. "They work with Continental, American, NASA, Longaberger, TRW Automotive, and Coors, to name a few. The medical staff they hire will be dedicated to our employee group, and they will be familiarized with what we do by going through some of the training our employees have."

ABX management is working with the Benefits Advisory Team to get feedback on the development of the clinic. "We have had very positive reactions about the clinic from the team," Jeff said.

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Revised: January 14, 2005.