Corporate Travel Policy
Revised May 13, 2009 - Download PDF


This policy governs ABX business-related travel. All business travel (air, lodging, and surface) must be arranged based on the company and your departmental policy. Typically, travel arrangements will be made through your department’s administrative personnel, using ABX’s travel agency, Global Crew Logistics/Corporate Travel Consultants II (GCL/CTC2) interfaces. The travel agency and its online booking tool prioritizes booking options, follows corporate policy, and searches for the best price within the given parameters. ABX strongly discourages travel arrangements that do not follow this policy. You must report all exceptions to policy to your supervisor.

You may book travel in one of three ways:

  1. GetThere, the GCL/CTC2 interface for travel arrangers and/or the corporate traveler;
  2. MySabre or TRS, used by Flight administrative personnel;
  3. TRS, used by Maintenance Control and Crew Scheduling.

The TRS product provides a higher degree of agency assistance for international or other complex travel that may require higher levels of agency support. All the tools recommend travel arrangements that comply with company policy and are at the lowest available cost.

By using a single agency for all travel bookings, ABX has additional discounts available to business travelers, reporting capabilities, policy enforcement, and the ability to get better deals for the money we spend.

As an individual traveler, you are not authorized to make arrangements directly with the airlines, or through 3rd parties (i.e. Expedia, Travelocity, etc.) All travel requires the approval of your supervisor (or above). You must document that approval prior to travel. Approval may be via email or by written approval on a proposed itinerary.

You must have your company identification card with you at all times.

All travel must be charged to an ABX corporate credit card or your personal credit card. You must retain all original, itemized receipts and itinerary documents and submit them with your expense reports or credit card statement.

Business travel is a costly expense and many factors should be considered when planning a trip, i.e.:

bulletWhat are the objectives of a particular business trip?
bulletDoes the travel allow for advance planning of at least 14 (domestic) or 30 (international) or more days to minimize expenses? If not, can you change your plans to allow that lead time before travel?
bulletHow will the return on the investment be measured?
bulletCan your objectives be achieved through other means, i.e. web-based meetings?
bulletWhat is the added value of taking this trip?
bulletWho needs to travel to reach the stated objectives?
bulletCan we cut down on the number of travelers and still meet our objectives?
bulletWhat is the most cost-effective means of travel (car vs. air. rental car vs. taxi, etc.)?

Airline Travel

Our policy is to use the lowest available airfare. Our travel tools find the lowest airfare after considering the traveler’s schedule restrictions and purpose of travel. The use of restricted fares generally makes good economic sense. Unless operationally impossible, domestic travel should be made at least 14 days in advance and international travel at least 30 days in advance to minimize cost. Advance planning often saves up to 50%. Our corporate website does allow bookings that are outside of lowest cost parameters. Those variances are reported to the appropriate vice president. If you decline the lowest, reasonable travel arrangement, you must have documented approval from your vice president.

DAY, CMH, and CVG are all considered "ILN" options. The following airports should also be considered as alternate airports when researching lowest fares: DCA/IAD/BWI, SFO/OAK/SMF, JFK/LGA/BWI/EWR, MIA/FLL, LAX/SNA/ONT/LGB, DFW/DAL, ORD/MDW, IAH/HOU, DTW/TOL, MCO/MLB.


As an ABX business traveler, you are to stay in "moderately" priced lodging, booked through the GCL/CTC2 website. Hotels where ABX has a contract for crew rooms are not obligated to offer that rate to non-crewmembers, but that price may be used in the price negotiation for a single travel event. When contacting a hotel directly or when checking in, inquire as to the best airline or corporate rate available at that time. A list of ABX primary and secondary hotels is at this link on the GetThere website:

If your plans change, you must cancel early enough to avoid paying for the room. You can cancel hotel rooms booked through GLC/CTC2 directly with your administrative contact or the travel agency. Contact information for the travel agency is listed on your itinerary. Arrangements made directly with the hotel are to be cancelled directly with the hotel. If you cancel a room yourself, make a note of the cancellation confirmation number and the hotel contact.

Note that hotel cancellation deadlines are based on the local time of the property.

Rental Cars

You should utilize rental cars only where alternative transportation is not a viable option. The need for a car should be balanced against the business requirement and the availability of other transportation, i.e. hotel shuttles and public transportation. If you travel alone you must reserve compact or economy cars, if a car is needed.

ABX has corporate contracts with Enterprise and National Car Rental those are considered to be the preferred vendors if costs are comparable. You should decline additional insurance at the time of car pick up. Additional coverage through rental car companies is unnecessary and you will not be reimbursed.

You should be certain that when the rental car is picked up a full tank of gas is provided. Rentals should be returned with a full tank of gas whenever possible, as agencies charge much more than the pump price. You must submit the car rental contract with your expense report or corporate credit card statement.

Traffic Accidents and Rental Car Damage

If you are involved in an accident, help others and cooperate with authorities, but make no statements regarding liability or fault to other drivers or agencies.

You must report accidents or damage to the rental agency and local authorities (as required) as soon as possible, as well as Jean Radcliffe ( in the ABX Purchasing Department at ext. 63457. ABX guidelines and procedures are included as part of the GLC/CTC2 website under ABX Corporate Travel Policy.

You or your supervisor must fill out the ABX form "Supervisors Incident Investigation Report" (SIIR) found in the ABX bulletin board in addition to any police report or rental agency report. We require a copy of the police accident report and/or agency damage report and any additional information prior to processing of any individual claim. ABX recommends that you take pictures and document damage if possible. Include these with your SIIR report to your ABX Supervisor.

Providing complete information to assist in processing any claim for damage is crucial to fast, efficient processing of your claim. ABX policy requires drug testing within 24 hours of an accident.

Additional Notes Regarding Accident Investigation

You may expect to be questioned by police or other investigating authorities about the facts and circumstances underlying an accident. The company may need to conduct its own investigation into the facts and circumstances of the accident. For that reason, you are not authorized to make any statement on behalf of the Company about any fact, circumstance or conclusion relating to the accident. However, you may make a statement and provide information on your own behalf. It is your decision whether or not to make a statement or provide information on your own behalf. It is also your own decision whether or not to seek the advice of independent counsel of your own choosing concerning the accident.

Any accident might result in you being investigated concerning or being charged with a related traffic infraction, misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or even a felony. Statements you make relating to an accident might be used against you in a subsequent legal case or proceeding. You are not legally required to make any statement to the police or other agency, and may request the presence or assistance of counsel prior to making any statement.

If you choose to make a statement or to otherwise provide information to any investigating authority, any such statement and information should be limited to simply reporting facts, as reasonably known or estimated by you, taking care not to guess or speculate.

The determination of fault or liability is a legal conclusion and is subject to many factual variables, as well as to the rules of the road in the jurisdiction where the accident occurs. You are not authorized by the Company to make, and you should not make, any statements whether to police or to third persons, about "fault", and should not assign blame for the accident to yourself or any other person. The scene of the accident, prior to full and complete investigation and analysis is not the place for a lay person who has just been involved in a traumatic accident to reach conclusions about who is or is not at fault or liable. While fault may appear to lie with one person, legal fault may ultimately be assigned, in whole or in part, to one or more other persons.

Traveler Profiles

You must have a profile on file with GCL/CTC2. Profiles include at least the following information: name, employee number, email address, emergency contact information, and corporate credit card information. Additional information may include passport, visa, and frequent traveler program information, etc.

You are responsible for updating your GetThere profile information through your departmental administrative contact.

Frequent Flyer Programs/Airline Membership Clubs/Frequent Guest Programs

You are permitted to retain frequent flyer or guest benefits. However, participation in these programs cannot result in any additional cost to ABX. ABX will not reimburse you should you choose to use a benefit acquired by any points system accumulation for business purposes. ABX and/or GCL/CTC2 are not responsible for the accuracy of information provided or accumulated for any such voluntary membership programs. You are responsible for all aspects of ensuring accurate accumulation and usage of awarded points with the issuing party.

After Hours

You should arrange all travel through your administrative contact, or in the case of after hours, through GCL/CTC2 proprietary web site or by calling GCL/CTC2 directly at (800) 842-8763. The ABX corporate access code is 684 (entered after prompted by the voice recording).

All travel requires the approval of your supervisor (or above), which may be documented via email. Since a manager may not be able to approve after-hours changes due to unexpected circumstances, GCL/CTC2 will act upon requests for emergency changes based on the manager’s prior approval of original travel plans. Your supervisor must approve changes that increase the cost of the pre-arranged travel greater then $50. The approving authority must be noted in the travel request by the ABX requestor (via TRS) or by the GCL/CTC2 agent when the information is provided verbally to the agent. The applicable cost center and account code for the travel event must be recorded as part of the travel request. Any unapproved changes covered must be covered by the traveler’s personal credit card.

If you do not have a profile already established on the travel agency website, you or your travel arranger will need to contact GCL/CTC2 directly to establish the record. That information must include your name, email address, employee ID number, and telephone number.

Denied Boarding Compensation

Do not accept voluntary denied boarding compensation. If an airline offers compensation for involuntary denied boarding, you must submit vouchers for denied boarding compensation to your administrative contact for use on future travel. If denied boarding results in an overnight stay, you must attempt to secure complimentary lodging from the airline. Your supervisor must approve any additional expenses incurred due to the denied boarding.

Seminars, Meetings and Conferences

ABX supports ATSG’s policy to send only one person to a conference or other industry event. Vice-President level approval is required for the attendance of more than one employee at a conference or other industry event.

Non-Employee Travel

Non-employee travelers are not eligible for ABX’s discounts, even though the expense may ultimately be the responsibility of ABX. Non-employee travel is not to be booked through the GCL/CTC2 interfaces.

Changes and Cancellations

You must report lost or unused tickets immediately. You must make changes or cancellations in advance. No shows are unacceptable. You will be held responsible and may not be reimbursed for "no show" charges except in unusual circumstances. Changes to travel plans that result in additional charges to ABX must be approved by your supervisor.

It is your responsibility to cancel any reservations if there is a change in travel plans. If your administrative contact is unavailable, you should make cancellations or changes through GLC/CTC2 directly (if the arrangements were made by the travel agency). GLC/CTC2 contact information is printed on your itinerary.

Arrangements made directly with a hotel are to be cancelled directly with the hotel. Note cancellation confirmation number and the hotel contact.

If an airline issues you a refund check directly for an unused ticket, you must submit the check to your administrative contact immediately upon receipt. (Typically the credit would be issued on the original form of payment, i.e. the credit card.)


All travel costs are to be billed to the applicable corporate credit card or your personal credit card for reimbursement following the normal expense reporting process. Reimbursement Exclusions are listed at the end of this document.

Travel arrangements that do not conform to policy must be documented in the travel record, with the reason and approving authority listed.

Travel Insurance

Personal accident insurance coverage for employees traveling on company business is provided in accordance with published company policy. Any additional coverage is purchased at the your expense.

Dress Code

You should dress in casual business attire or uniform. All airlines reserve the right to deny boarding to anyone not in compliance with the airline’s dress standards.

International Travel

You are encouraged to plan well in advance for international travel. International travel planned 30 days in advance can net as much as 50% savings.

You are responsible for monitoring your passport expiration dates and knowing the visa requirements for your destination. We discourage rental cars at international destinations. Using a rental car internationally requires your vice president’s approval.

Before you travel internationally, you should familiarize yourself with local customs, including tipping, driving requirements, etc.

Use of Personal Cars

You are expected to use the most economical transportation appropriate to the business travel and should consider this in the decision to use a company car versus a personal vehicle. The use of your personal car is reimbursed based on mileage used for business travel over and above your normal commute. The rate is based on current IRS standards. You will not be reimbursed for repairs or maintenance for the use of your personal vehicles. The amount paid for mileage is intended to compensate you for wear and tear, gas, and insurance coverage on your personal vehicle.

You should use off airport long-term parking, where savings is typically at least 50%.

Personal Travel

You may not make personal travel arrangements through our corporate travel agent, GLC/CTC2. Any eligible discounts available for personal travel will be posted on the corporate website through Employee Connections, using the Discounts tab.

Expense Reporting Reminders

bulletInclude the "Description or the purpose" of the business trip.
bulletAll expense reports and credit card statements must be signed by you and approved by your supervisor, including both signatures and employee numbers.
bulletAll original receipts and travel itineraries must be submitted with the expense report.
bulletOriginal receipts should be taped to an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper for record retention purposes.
bulletDirect bill expenses do not need to be listed on the expense reporting form. Management approval on the original bill is the preferred method of documentation and payment.

Reimbursement Exclusions

The following are excluded from reimbursement under ABX business travel policy*:

bulletAir phone charges
bulletAirline baggage overage charges (unless the excessive equipment or material is required for business travel)
bulletAirline club membership
bulletAirline seating preference premiums
bulletAlcoholic beverages
bulletATM banking fees
bulletBreakfast, lunch and/or dinner expenses in excess of IRS non-taxable limits, currently $38.00 per person/meal
bulletCell phone rental or airtime costs
bulletConsumable toiletries
bulletExercise room fees
bulletFines for parking or traffic violations
bulletFrequent flyer upgrades
bulletHotel laundry services, unless travel is longer than 5 days
bulletInternet connection fees (unless other alternatives do not exist and access is required by business traveler)
bulletMedical expenses of any kind
bulletMileage charges in excess of corporate reimbursement policy
bulletOffice supplies
bulletPersonal entertainment i.e. sporting events, theatre, etc.
bulletPersonal over-the-counter medications
bulletPersonal services such as massage, manicures, pedicures, shoe shines, etc.
bulletPrescription medication
bulletRental car insurance
bulletRental car options, including GPS, satellite radio, cell phone, etc.
bulletRoom service, hotel mini-bar or in-room movie charges
bulletSnacks other than breakfast, lunch or dinner
bulletTips in excess of 20% of food or service bill, and otherwise unreasonable gratuities
bulletTraffic, speeding or parking tickets
bulletTravel insurance
bulletValet parking charges
bulletVehicle rental charges in excess of a compact (single person traveling) or intermediate size car (group travel)

*Note: With your vice president’s approval, some of these excluded expenses will be reimbursed for long-term travel assignments. You should discuss your needs with your vice president before you travel.


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Revision History:
May 13, 2009