Attendance Policy
Reviewed August 2013 - Revised May 4, 2009 - Open printable version in new window


Each employee is important to the success of the Company and the customers we service. Our relationship is one of interdependence. We depend on each other to get the work done. Therefore, it is important that employees report to work each day as scheduled.

This policy applies to full-time, part-time, and casual employees.

Core Requirements

Please make every effort to report to work on time as scheduled. Regular and consistent attendance is necessary to provide on-time, efficient service to our customers.

Overall attendance records are considered for performance reviews, and when employees apply for promotions, transfers, or rehire.

It is your responsibility to track your attendance and tardiness. Your attendance will be reflected on your bi-weekly paycheck stubs, and will also be available on Employee Self Service.

You should request time off as far in advance as possible. This will allow your department to make adjustments in covering your work.  

To receive pay for an unplanned absence, you must notify your supervisor/designated person by your start time or departmental call-in time. When providing notification, you will be expected to give the reason, estimated length of the absence, and contact information where your supervisor may reach you.

You should provide factual reasons for absences (e.g., sick, car problems, death in family, home repair emergencies) and provide documentation if requested by supervision.

Inform your management of necessary work to be completed while absent if appropriate.

Review the Leave of Absence Policy if you think Family Medical Leave or a Personal Leave could cover your absences.

Definition of Tardy Occurrences (Late Arrivals & Early Departures)

Unplanned late arrivals/early departures will count as tardy occurrences as follows:

bulletFull-time employee = time away from work of less than 2 hours.
bulletPart-time employee = time away from work of less than 45 minutes.

If you report to work late, you will be paid only for actual time worked. Late arrivals/early departures for non-exempt and hourly employees may be paid if you use authorized sick leave.

Definition of Absence Occurrences

An absence occurrence is defined as:

bulletFull-time employee = time away from work of 2 or more hours.
bulletPart-time employee = time away from work of 45 minutes or more.

Consecutive days of absence attributable to a single illness will be considered one occurrence. Non-consecutive occurrences for the same medical reason may be combined if the subsequent absence is within five (5) calendar days of the last day of the original absence. Time-off for reasons not listed under “Absences that are Non-Occurrences” will be counted as an occurrence.

Absences that are Non-Occurrences

When considering what constitutes an absence or tardy occurrence, time-off from work due to the following reasons will not be counted:

bulletApproved Family Medical Leave
bulletBereavement Leave
bulletMilitary Leave
bulletJury Duty
bulletCertified Workers Compensation Leave
bulletHolidays and Floating Holidays
bulletUnpaid Personal Days
bulletTime-Off Approved In Advance (see below)

On occasion, employees may request in advance adjusted schedules to attend to personal matters. The time off may be taken without an occurrence (coded as F_N), providing:

  1. the request is made in advance,
  2. the supervisor approves it, and
  3. the absence does not interfere with customer service.

The employee may be permitted to make the time up within the work week if approved by the supervisor and work is available. Such requests may be denied should they become excessive, or if corrective action for tardiness or attendance has been issued within the last 12 months.

Corrective Action for Excessive Absenteeism and Tardiness

In most circumstances a progressive approach will be used to correct excessive absences or tardy occurrences. Generally, a Performance Improvement Notice may be issued at 5 occurrences. However, should an employee reach 6 occurrences within a 12-month rolling period, the employee will be subject to termination regardless if any prior corrective action has been issued.

Corrective Action is effective for 12 months from the date of the occurrence that initiated the action. An employee cannot repeat any level of corrective action within a 12-month rolling period.

Tardy and absence occurrences are tracked separately.

Attendance Issues Addressed As Negligent Job Performance

Should the following types of attendance issues occur, they will be addressed as negligent job performance.

Pattern Absenteeism: Employees who have absences that appear to follow a pattern of misuse may be counseled and/or disciplined for "Negligent Performance". Examples of pattern absenteeism include absences (sick time or calling off) taken in conjunction with weekends (e.g. scheduled days off), vacation, holidays, or consistently taking multiple days off at a time.

No Call/No Show (NC/NS): Not reporting to work and not calling to report the absence to supervision is a no call/no show and is a serious matter. A NC/NS will be counted as an occurrence and may also result in additional discipline up to and including termination. If an employee has already received corrective action for excessive absenteeism, and a NC/NS occurs, the corrective action process may be accelerated.

Job Abandonment: Two consecutive workdays of not reporting absences to supervision is job abandonment and will result in loss of employment with ABX.

Summary Chart

The following chart summarizes the corrective action process for each type of attendance issue.

Tardy Occurrences 5: excessive and subject to corrective action.
6: excessive resulting in termination.
Absence Occurrences 5: excessive and subject to corrective action.
6: excessive resulting in Termination.
Pattern Attendance Considered negligent job performance subject to corrective action.
Job Abandonment Considered negligent job performance resulting in Termination.
No Call/No Show Considered negligent job performance subject to corrective action. Counts as an occurrence.

The above policy guidelines should be followed unless there are documented exceptional circumstances.

horizontal rule

Revision History:
May 4, 2009
Oct. 6, 2004