Hiring Policy
Revised June 21, 2017 - Printable version


The people of ABX Air are the reason for our success; and we are committed to hiring dedicated, hardworking, team-oriented people. ABX Air complies with all federal, state and local laws in which it operates. The company is committed to hiring a diverse workforce that includes women, minorities, veterans, and people with disabilities. Whenever possible, ABX Air strives to promote employees from within while focusing on hiring the best candidates.

ABX Air ensures that all levels of employees within the organization that require the performance of functions relevant to the safety or security of aircraft operations are filled by qualified personnel on the basis of knowledge, skills, training and experience appropriate for the position as defined by the job description.

Core Requirements

  • ABX Air will recruit, hire, promote, and transfer according to each position’s job description without regard to a person’s race, color, religion, national origin, gender, ancestry, veteran status, disability, marital status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, military status, or any other factor prohibited by law.
  • The company strongly encourages and supports promotion from within. An internal and external search may be conducted concurrently to find the best candidate and to expedite the hiring process.
  • ABX Air will post all positions for Directors and below as vacancies occur. A posting is not required for a department reorganization that does not require additional personnel.
  • Human Resources and the hiring department will use an employee’s overall employment record, experience, education, competencies, performance appraisals, attendance, disciplinary records, and other job-related criteria as the basis for all employment-related decisions. In addition, as part of the hiring process, candidates may be required to take an assessment to assist in the hiring decision.
  • Human Resources and the hiring department will screen the top candidates for each position. After Human Resources and the hiring department have selected the top candidates, interviews will be scheduled and offer(s) are then made.
  • An employee’s transfer to a new position will take place on a date mutually agreed to by the employee’s current management and Human Resources. Every attempt should be made for this to occur within four weeks; the employee’s new pay rate will take effect no more than 30 days after the position was accepted.
  • Rehires can be a valuable resource and can save time and money in orientation and training costs. The reasons for separation and their performance during the individual's previous period(s) of employment, both within and outside the company, will be factors when considering the rehire of a past employee. Reemployment at ABX Air is at the company’s sole discretion. Past employees must comply with the current hiring process, especially regarding employment history since leaving ABX Air.
  • ABX Air permits the employment of relatives as long as such employment does not, in the opinion of ABX Air, create actual or perceived conflicts of interest. For the purpose of this policy, relatives are defined as parents, children, siblings, spouses, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, in-laws, or step-relatives.
  • ABX Air's hiring decisions are not subject to the formal dispute resolution process. Appeals to hiring decisions should be directed to Human Resources for resolution.
Full-time Employees means those employees who are scheduled to work 32 hours per week (or more) and are eligible for full-time benefits.

Part-time Employees means those employees who are regularly scheduled to work at least 15 but less than 32 hours per week and are eligible for part-time benefits.

Casual Employees means those employees who are generally on-call and are regularly scheduled to work less than 15 hours per week and are not eligible for benefits. Departments may establish specific rules for casual employees within their areas.

Temporary Employees means those employees who are hired to work on a short-term basis to reduce work backlogs or perform special projects and are not eligible for benefits.

Exempt Employees means those employees who are executives, management, administrative personnel, and professionals whose positions are in pay grade 12 or higher. They are not eligible for overtime pay or other premiums.

Non-Exempt Employees means those employees who are paid for actual time worked in pay grades D through J and are eligible for overtime pay and premiums.

Hourly Employees means those employees who are paid for the actual time worked based upon an hourly rate and are eligible for overtime and premium pay.

Intern/Co-op Employees means those employees who usually work as part of an educational plan and in conjunction with the operational needs of the company for a period not to exceed 12 months and are paid for actual hours worked. They are eligible for overtime and premium pay.

Other compensation arrangements, as mutually agreed upon by management and the intern/co-op, are also acceptable.

Rehire Guidelines:
Medical, Dental Vision Insurance, & Short-term Disability
  • The effective date of a rehired employee's coverage depends on whether he or she was covered before and how long he or she was gone from ABX Air. Coverage and conditions are governed by the plans in effect at the time of re-hire.
  • If the rehired employee was not covered during his or her previous period of employment, or if he or she has been gone for 12 months or more, the employee is eligible for coverage after 60 days.
  • If it has been less than 12 months since the rehired employee was covered under ABX Air insurance (including COBRA), coverage begins on the rehire date, depending on the rules of the plan in effect at the time of re-hire.
Vacation Accrual and Anniversary Date
  • If an employee is rehired, his or her vacation accrual and anniversary date will start over.
Paid Sick Time
  • Sick time starts over at zero. No previous balance will be restored.
  • Eligibility to rejoin the 401(k) plan will depend upon the rehired employee's status when he or she terminated employment, the length of the absence, and the status of the employee's new position. Since each individual’s circumstances will be different, employees should discuss their situation with the Employee Benefits Department. The plan document will govern eligibility.
Company Seniority Date
  • A rehired employee's company seniority date starts over and is based on the date he or she was rehired into a full- or part-time position.
  • The pay rate for rehires is based on the applicant’s qualifications, the requirements of the position, and the pay grade assigned to the position.
Re-Employment of Veterans Returning From Active Duty
ABX Air respects and appreciates the military service of our employees. The company complies with all of the requirements of USERRA upon receipt of proper documentation. Employees who left full-time, part-time, or casual positions to serve in the armed forces are entitled to reinstatement to their former positions or to positions of a like seniority, status, and pay upon application for reinstatement if they meet all of the following:
  • The active duty did not exceed five years unless qualified under USERRA as an exception.
  • The individual is discharged or released from the service having satisfactorily completed his or her military service and presents a certificate to that effect.
  • Application for re-employment is made within the timeframe outlined by USERRA based on length of military service.
  • The individual is still qualified and capable of performing the duties of the position.
Employee Responsibility
  • Assess your present job skills, abilities, and talents.
  • Evaluate your career interests and goals within ABX Air.
  • Share your personal career goals with your supervisor, and be open to challenges and projects for personal and career advancement, including pursuing education.
  • Maintain an overall good rating in your work performance and have a satisfactory attendance record.
  • When reading a job posting, compare your interest and qualifications with the position’s responsibilities and requirements.
  • To apply, complete the online application at www.abxair-jobs.com, attach your résumé, and submit it within the job posting period.
Leadership Responsibility
  • When additional staff is required, submit an approved Personnel Requisition to Human Resources.
  • Review or create a job questionnaire and/or job posting to ensure information about the position is accurate and up to date.
  • Partner with Human Resources to develop a recruitment plan to expedite the hiring process and fill the position with the best candidate.
  • Serve as a mentor to employees by assisting them in developing career goals that are realistic and measurable.
  • Provide development opportunities by assigning tasks and projects that are challenging.

Revision History:
June 21, 2017
Mar. 5, 2013
Oct. 4, 2010
May 28, 2009
Feb. 21, 2008