Standards of Performance and Conduct Policy
Revised Mar. 5, 2013 - Printable version


It takes all ABX employees working together, performing their jobs safely, productively, and to the best of their ability to achieve and maintain the company’s values of Safety, Customer Satisfaction, Trust and Teamwork.

In support of these values, ABX is committed to providing a harmonious and orderly work environment that promotes respect among all employees. To ensure these objectives are met, ABX has established standards of behavior and conduct that all employees are expected to follow. In situations where job performance or conduct conflict with our values, a performance improvement process focused on solving the problem will be used to address the conduct.

Core Requirements

  • This policy covers all attendance, performance and conduct problems.
  • The terms corrective action and performance improvement are used interchangeably in this policy to describe the process of correcting performance and conduct problems.
  • Each employee is responsible for his or her individual performance and conduct. When problems arise, the performance improvement process will involve communicating between the supervisor and employee to identify the problem, outlining expectations for meeting performance and conduct standards, and developing a plan for improvement and change.
  • Many factors will be considered in determining the appropriate level of corrective action, including the severity and nature of the conduct, the employee’s overall employment record and length of service, and applicable policies and procedures.
  • In most circumstances, a progressive approach will be used to correct performance or conduct. For the most serious violations, first-time offenses may result in corrective action up to and including discharge.
  • Performance improvement measures will be considered in the approval or disapproval of promotion/transfer requests and during the selection process.
  • Each department will apply this policy consistently, objectively, and fairly.
  • Human Resources is available to provide guidance and problem resolution to both management and employees concerning performance problems, policy violations, or conduct issues.
Performance Improvement Process
The performance improvement process consists of three levels of corrective action: performance improvement reminder, performance improvement notice, and last chance agreement. The process usually begins with a performance improvement reminder and can progress to a last chance agreement if the performance or conduct problem is not corrected. However, the circumstances of each situation will determine the level of corrective action that is necessary.

The performance improvement process also may include the development of an action plan for improvement by the employee, depending on the situation and level of corrective action. Action plans do not have to be elaborate, but an employee will be expected to identify the changes he or she will make to meet performance and conduct standards.

Performance Improvement Reminder (PIR) - the performance or conduct problem is discussed with the employee in a serious, concerned manner. PIR’s are effective for 6 months.
  • Previous coaching conversations with the employee have not been successful in solving the problem.
  • The employee knows what is expected and is properly trained. Nothing is preventing the employee from doing the job properly.
  • This level of coaching is conducted between the supervisor/manager and the employee. The PIR is kept within the Leadership’s file.
Performance Improvement Notice (PIN) - is a serious, documented, formal meeting about a performance or conduct problem. A PIN is usually issued after a performance improvement reminder has not solved the problem or for more serious work rule violations. PIN’s are effective for 12 months.
  • Performance improvement notices requires approval from the next level of management before they are issued.
  • In some circumstances, a PIN may be the final step of corrective action and termination will result if the same performance or conduct is repeated. This will be noted as a “PIN next step Termination”. This step will cause the employee to lose eligibility for the Incentive Plan for the next 12 months.
Last Chance Agreement (LCA) - is the most serious corrective action and final notice before discharge. This step is taken after previous corrective action has not resolved the problem or for first offenses of major (Group II) work rule violations. LCA’s are effective for 12 months in regards to losing eligibility for the Incentive Plan.
  • At this level, the employee must decide if he or she wants to continue employment with ABX. In order to remain employed, the employee must prepare a performance improvement action plan and agree to follow all rules of conduct. If the employee cannot agree to these expectations, he or she may decide to resign. If the employee fails to provide a written plan or does not agree to meet conduct and performance standards, termination may result.
  • LCA’s requires approval from the next level of management and employee relations before being issued.
  • The LCA will remain permanently in the employee’s Human Resources file. Management should provide employees with copies of PIR’s, PIN’s, and LCA’s. Copies will also be retained in the employee's Human Resources employment file, and supervisor's work file.
The Company reserves the right to terminate any employment relationship, and or to demote an employee without resort to the above disciplinary procedures.

Out of Service Status
An employee may be removed from service (with or without pay) if his or her presence in the workplace will interfere in any way with an investigation, if there is a concern for safety, or if there are pending drug test results or other circumstances which could disrupt the workplace during an investigation.

Discharge is not considered a step in the corrective action process. Discharge is considered the final recourse after corrective steps have not resolved the performance or conduct problem, or resulted when the most serious work rule (Group II) violations have occurred. Before an employee is discharged, approval is required from director level management and employee relations.

Guidelines for Work Rule Violations
ABX has established two groups of work rule violations that will be addressed through the corrective action process. No policy or list of rules can include all instances or situations of conduct that can result in corrective action. They do not replace reasonableness, sound judgment, or common- sense behavior, which are the underlying cornerstones on which this policy was developed.

Nothing in this policy is intended to alter the at-will status of employment with the company (for any employees not covered under a CBA).

Group I Violations
Group I Violations are usually first addressed with a PIR or PIN, depending on the circumstances, but may progress to an LCA or discharge if performance or conduct is not corrected.
  1. Leaving or quitting your work assignment or assigned work area without permission from your supervisor or supervisor’s designee.
  2. Failing to follow departmental procedures.
  3. Horseplay, disruptive activity, or other forms of disorderly conduct.
  4. Negligent, needs improvement, or unsatisfactory performance of duties.
  5. Disregard for your department’s dress code or failure to follow appropriate hygiene practices.
  6. Solicitation, distribution, or posting of unauthorized materials or literature in violation of ABX’s Solicitation Policy.
  7. Failure to properly wear your ID badge on ABX premises, or routinely reporting to work without your ID badge.
  8. Unsafe work practices or safety rule violations, or failure to report injuries.
  9. Damage to property of ABX, its customers, clients, vendors, visitors, or employees.
  10. Excessive personal telephone calls, personal Internet or e-mail usage, or other nonworking activities.
  11. Creation of conflict with co-workers or supervisors or treatment of customers or co-workers in a discourteous, inattentive, or unprofessional manner.
  12. Smoking in non-smoking areas.
  13. Abuse of lunch and break periods.
  14. Any conduct considered detrimental to customer service, fellow employees, or ABX operations.
Group II Violations
Group II Violations are the most serious offenses and normally will result in a PIN, or LCA, and in some circumstances, discharge.
  1. Violation of the ABX Attendance Policy.
  2. Use of abusive, indecent, or obscene language; acting in a defamatory or disrespectful manner; use of language or conduct tending to harass, embarrass, inflame, injure, offend, intimidate, or humiliate any employee, customer, or visitor.
  3. Threatening, intimidating, or sexually harassing employees, customers, or visitors.
  4. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.
  5. Illegal conduct. You are required to notify management of all felony charges, and all convictions (of any degree) while employed. You may be placed on a leave without pay until the matter is settled.
  6. Violation of ABX’s Drug Free Workplace Policy.
  7. Violation of ABX’s Weapons in Workplace Policy.
  8. Theft or attempted theft of property belonging to ABX, its customers, visitors, or employees. If you have knowledge of such activity, you are required to report it.
  9. Abuse to property of ABX, its customers, clients, vendors, visitors or employees. Failure to report damage, or an accident involving equipment on company premises.
  10. Deliberate misuse, destruction, or damage of property.
  11. Acts of dishonesty, including falsification of ABX records, false statements, misrepresentation or omission in matters affecting the employment relationship.
  12. Unauthorized use or duplication of company supplies, documents, materials, machines, equipment, and tooling.
  13. Insubordination or absolute refusal to comply with instructions from an authorized supervisor.
  14. Fighting, threatening injury, or any other display of workplace violence.
  15. Sleeping while on duty.
  16. Any conduct considered seriously detrimental to customer service, fellow employees, or ABX operations.
  17. Unauthorized use of any recording devices (e.g., audio recorders, cameras), or any electronic device that can record.
  18. Clocking in or out for another employee.
  19. Violating Air Park Security Policy.
  20. Horseplay that results in personal injury or equipment damage.
  21. Sabotaging the facility, grounds, equipment, or operations.
  22. Using ABX’s computer systems, including accessing confidential computer files and data, without authorization. Accessing inappropriate websites in violation of the Internet policy.
  23. Violating other rules or policies not specifically listed.
Dispute Resolution Process
If an employee disagrees with a corrective action, the dispute resolution process is available. Prior to initiating the formal dispute resolution procedure, employees are encouraged to follow their chain of management to seek an understanding for the corrective action. Employees can initiate the formal Dispute Resolution Process by contacting Human Resources.

Revision History:
Mar. 5, 2013
May 4, 2009
Feb. 21, 2008