Visitor Policy
Revised Oct. 4, 2010 - Printable version


We’re proud of ABX Air and know you are too. Consistent with a safe and productive work environment, we will allow your occasional visitors access to ABX Air facilities. They may only visit our facilities when authorized.

Core Requirements

bulletABX Air and its visitors will comply with all requirements of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and/or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
bulletOur ability to allow visitors access may vary according to the threat advisory level issued by the DHS.
bulletAll non-operational visitors and non-business tours may be suspended during elevated threat advisory levels.
bulletAll non-ABX Air employees must report to a security post for screening before access will be granted.
bulletAll adult visitors must have a government-issued picture ID that will be left with security personnel for the duration of the visit.
bulletA visitor badge must be displayed, at or above the waist, at all times while on property owned, leased, or operated by ABX Air.
bulletIn general, all visitors must be escorted at all times.
bulletFor ensure safety and reduce work disruption, all visitors to work areas must be pre-approved by a manager or above from the affected areas. Only departmental vice presidents may approve visitors who are minors (under the age of 18)
bulletEmployees are welcome to bring their children to visit their work site, provided that the visits are infrequent, brief, and planned in a fashion that limits disruption to the workplace and ensures the safety of all involved. While children are in the workplace, the employee parent is completely responsible for the conduct of the child, and must directly supervise the child at all times. If the frequency, length, or nature of visits becomes problematic, the employee will be advised of the situation and will be expected to take corrective action.

Employee Responsibility

bulletYou must make your visitors aware of this policy before they visit.
bulletAssure that non-business visitors to work areas are pre-approved by a manager or above from the affected areas. Obtain approval from your vice president prior to visits from minors.

Leadership Responsibility

bulletApprove only those business visitors who have a legitimate business reason for being on property owned, leased, or operated by ABX Air.
bulletEnsure visitors are aware of the core requirements of this policy prior to their visit.
bulletAssess the impact to safety and work disruption before approving non-business visitors in work areas.

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Revision History:
Oct. 4, 2010
Feb. 21, 2008