Weapons and Violence-Free Workplace Policy
Revised Oct. 4, 2010 - Printable version



ABX Air, Inc. believes that employees should not have to tolerate violence, threats of violence, harassment, threats, verbal abuse, physical aggression, or any other form of violence. We are committed to providing a safe work environment free of intimidation, threats, or violent acts. It’s our belief that immediately reporting and investigating threatening behavior is important to maintaining a safe workplace.

Core Requirements

bulletAny acts or threats of violence by or against any ABX Air employee and any other persons or property are prohibited on ABX-owned or -operated property or facilities while conducting company business or while attending or participating in sponsored events.
bulletThis prohibition also includes any aggressive or intimidating behavior, as well as extreme verbal abuse that a reasonable person would consider as threatening.
bulletRegardless of any concealed carry permit held, ABX Air prohibits the possession, transfer, sale, or use of weapons of any type on ABX-owned or -operated property or facilities, including weapons in vehicles. On-duty law enforcement officers, federal flight deck officers, and other federal officers whose duties require the wearing of a firearm are exempt from this prohibition. Operational requirements approved through corporate security also are exempt from this prohibition.
bulletShipping or carrying weaponry through the ABX Air system is not permitted.
bulletViolations of this policy will result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment.


Weapon: any instrument that is specifically designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily injury or death, including but not limited to: clubs, firearms, handguns, knives (3-inch blade or larger), explosives (e.g., fireworks), crossbows, bows and arrows, throwing stars, and brass knuckles.

Employee Responsibility

bulletImmediately tell your supervisor about concerns for safety, including acts or threats of violence or other violations of this policy.
bulletDo not make jokes about committing or threatening violence.
bulletImmediately report to management any criminal conviction you have received for a violent crime.
bulletBe aware of and report to management unauthorized individuals in your work environment.
bulletCooperate with investigations and searches.
bulletYou are encouraged to utilize ABX Air’s Employee Assistance Program to receive confidential, personal support for issues that may affect your health, family life, or job performance.

Leadership Responsibility

bulletAct immediately when any concern for safety has been expressed, including possession of a weapon or threat or act of violence. Appropriate action may be in the form of investigation, intervention, or calming a stressful situation.
bulletEnsure employee reports of violations or potential violations of this policy are held in confidence and that retaliation of any kind is not permitted.
bulletReport violations of this policy immediately to Corporate Security and Human Resources if immediate intervention is necessary.
bulletBe aware of and address any unauthorized individuals in your work environment.

horizontal rule

Revision History:
Oct. 4, 2010
Feb. 21, 2008